Internet Marketing Gurus - How Do You Find Them and Befriend Them

Where do you find internet marketing gurus?

As you begin your journey down the long and complicated path that is starting your own online business, it is imperative that you discover - and quickly - who the internet marketing gurus for your particular industry are. Once you have figured it out, developing a relationship with these marketing gurus is perhaps the best career step you can make during your entire entrepreneurial endeavor. Attaching yourself to the best in the industry gives you an opportunity to benefit from their expertise, and learn the trade yourself.

Put your research skills to the test, and take your curiosity to the internet. You’ll be logging a lot of man hours trying to figure out who the internet gurus in your industry are, but the payoff in the end will be well worth it. You can judge the internet marketing gurus on the web by their backgrounds, their success, and of course, their wealth. If they’re important, chances are, somebody is talking about them. When you’ve rounded up their names and their contact information, it’s time to move to the next step.

My search to improve my network marketing business led me to Ann Sieg, the author of The Renegade System and Dr. Ken Evoy, the President of Sitesell. I consider them both very powerful entrepreneurs who provide mentorship in helping you achieve your business goals.

Dr. Ken Evoy created SBI! Visit my build a website page to learn more about this company that he created.

Ann Sieg's Renegade System provides you with a new approach to market your MLM business it gives "eye opening" advice to build a downline through non-traditional practices that make sense. If you are in the multi-level marketing business this system is a valuable resource providing you with a well rounded approach for your marketing system.

To find some other gurus in your niche start following these marketing gurus all over the web. There’s a fine line between acceptably following someone’s career, and e-stalking a stranger online - if you need help figuring out the difference, pretend the person knows exactly who you are, and can log exactly how much time you spend reading about them. If you think they’d be disturbed by the amount of time you’re spending on their sites, you should probably tone it down a bit.

If these internet gurus keep their own blogs, read, follow, and comment appropriately. If they respond to your comments, gently ease your way in by starting a conversation with them. Offer to help them with a task they’re complaining about, or ask them for a suggestion on what to do with a problem you’re experiencing that you see they’ve dealt with before. Working your way in without being pushy will get you much better results.

Once you’ve gotten your foot in the door with these internet marketing gurus, it’s time to build a solid relationship. Discuss the possibility of a mentorship, ask if you can help them out with their online marketing, anything you can do to gain the experience you need to become one of the next internet marketing gurus. Even if you don’t make any money doing it, the experience you’ll gain from it will be invaluable.

Remember that these internet marketing gurus didn’t get to where they are by enjoying a lot of free time - they are very busy people, and constantly pestering them when you don’t receive an immediate answer is a great way to turn them off. Don’t waste their time by firing up their inbox, but make yourself available when an opportunity arises. Once you work your way in, if you can prove yourself a valuable asset, the internet marketing gurus of your industry will be able to teach you everything you’ve ever needed to know.

Sign up for my E-zine, you will get a 35-page FREE e-book "The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing" by guru, Ann Sieg. This e-book is worth $195 but I am giving it to you for FREE.

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

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