Work At Home Moms: Important Points To Consider Before Starting A Work At Home Business

Work at home moms (WAHM) face tough challenges when starting their own home business and need to consider some important points before investing time and energy.

Some points to consider:

  • Office Location and Equipment
  • Balancing work and family
  • Social aspects of working from home


Working moms need to juggle their schedules and focus on their daily activities at the job but the WAHM can sometimes face much harder challenges because not only are they working from home but can also have their children with them. All of this is well worth the effort and very rewarding if you can find the right balance in having your own career from your home and being there for your family when they need you.


It is important to find a work space for your home office is not in a high traffic area. You want to have a space that you can call your own and it is hard to do this if everyone in the house can come in at anytime and rearrange your work or borrow your supplies.

A work at home mom also needs to have office equipment to operate a successful business. A personal computer (or mac if you prefer),high speed internet access, and a phone line are essential. Other helpful tools would be a fax and or copier machine.


If you are planning to work from home you need to consider what hours you can really devote to develop and build your business. If you have the type of business that you can work in the evening or can devote several hours in the day for it to grow, then managing both the children and work would not be as difficult.

It is harder to operate a business at home if you have small children with you. If you are in a business where you will have to speak with others on the phone a noise free zone is needed - If you are on an important phone call trying to make a sale or handling a serious issue it is hard to work if your children are making a lot of noise in the background.

One solution to consider if you need to work when you have small children at home would be to hire a babysitter or have someone help to watch them while you are working.

Being a work at home mom is really a balancing act. When you work from home you can be easily distracted by telephone calls, visits from your neighbors, paying bills, laundry and house cleaning. If you are going to work from home you need to set aside specific times to take care of these distractions.

I have worked from home for the past 10 years and know that it is not an easy task to juggle taking care of your children and managing your business at the same time. I have three children, ages, 6, 8, and 12 and managing their school, sports, and other extra curricular activities can be a real distraction when you are working from home. I understand the challenge with focusing on a business and being there for your child at the same time.


Being a work at home mom also means that you are working by yourself. If you love the corporate life and the social networking from working with a large group of people working from home can become lonely.

To be happy with your success you should look for a home business that would help overcome this challenge. One that would allow you to spend time on the phone talking to other people or meeting people outside the house on occasion.

Work at Home Moms have the best of both worlds. My advice to anyone considering this challenge is to move forward and start your home business. Having the ability to make extra money from your own small business while also supporting your kids for sports events or school programs is priceless.


Start thinking about what you do that interests you. Are you good at crafts, writing, photography, or typing? Do you love animals? Do you like to take care of children? Are you fairly knowledgeable about computers?

Many work at home moms make money from home by watching other children. Others love pets and start a pet sitting business. If you are very creative you can make things to sell at flea markets or to sell on the internet. If you were working in an office and have to go back to work maybe you can speak with your boss about working from home.

There are so many options out there if you search the internet for work at home jobs. Anything you are passionate about can be turned into a website to help you earn money online. You can be an internet marketing company affiliate, sell on EBay, freelance as a writer or photographer, or have your own store working with wholesale companies on the internet.

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